1·World Bank Group expertise is brought to bear to help China achieve its targeted 20 percent reduction in energy intensity.
2·All WHO regions are on track to achieve the 50% mortality and prevalence reduction target, except for the Africa region (although rates of mortality are falling).
3·COP15's chances of success have been improved by President Barack Obama's agenda to achieve an 80 per cent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
4·So if we were to satisfy that unmet need, various analyses show we would go a long way towards achieving the reduction in birth rates that are required to achieve global population stabilization.
5·Assessing such policies in terms of how much carbon reduction they achieve for each pound spent, these high figures are hard to justify.
6·Target to achieve a business expense reduction of 7-10% through this goal.
计划通过此目标削减7 - 10%的业务开支。
7·But at the same time Barack Obama was hitting the road to sell an alternative plan that relies more heavily on tax increases to achieve somewhat less deficit reduction.
对此民主党方面没有一位议员投赞成票,同时巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)也开始推销另一项备选方案,希望更多依赖增税来实现稍显保守的赤字削减。
8·The focus on a reduced footprint implementation of EObject is also noteworthy, with some clients using it to achieve more than 60-percent reduction in footprint.
9·While I was mulling it all over, we moved on to a discussion about how to achieve the deficit reduction we needed.
10·If we are to achieve an 80% reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide, we are going to need both as part of a portfolio of options.